Monthly Archives: October 2016

UI/UX fore!

even more from General Assembly’s User Experience Design Bootcamp (for designing apps and websites) Here is a good technique for mapping out your app, called “crazy eights” fold a letter-sized piece of paper in eighths, and use it to sketch out the user’s experience like a comic

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Posted in design, technology

UI/UX three

more from General Assembly’s User Experience Design Bootcamp (like for designing apps and websites): after you define your customer: • put all your product’s potential functions on post-it’s • then sort them in concentric circles: sometimes do, do, always do

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Posted in design, technology

UI/UX too

another nugget from General Assembly’s User Experience Design Bootcamp (like for designing apps and websites) User experience designers are concerned with the 5e’s of user experience: 1. entice 2. enter 3. engage 4 & 5. exit/extend

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Posted in design, technology